Posocco, L. (Forthcoming) Violence and Lies: The exercise of power from the Conquest of America to the War on Terror. Routledge, London and New York.
Conversi, D.; Posocco L.; Watson, I. (2023, eds.). ‘Beyond the Frontiers of Political Science: Is Good Governance Possible in Cataclysmic Times?’ Frontiers, Lausanne. ISBN 9782832546390
Posocco, L. (2022) Museums and Nationalism in Turkey, Croatia and Hungary. Routledge, London and New York. ISBN 9780367512477
Special Issues of Journals
Eriksen, T.; Conversi, D.; Posocco, L., eds. Climate change and the future of diversity: Threats to cultural and biological diversity in the Anthropocene. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society (Springer), Forthcoming.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Conversi, D.; Posocco, L. (2024) Homogenocene: Defining the Age of Bio-cultural Devastation (1493–Present). International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, 1-28. DOI: 10.1007/s10767-024-09492-3.
Posocco, L.; Watson, I. (2024) Conspiracy theories and nationalism: Exploring the intersections and implications. Politica & Società, Vol. XIII, n.s., n. 1/2024, 89-124.
Watson, I.; Posocco, L. (2024) Labhairt na Gaeilge agus muintearas in Éirinn, i measc Gaeilgeoirí a bhfuil eitneachas agus náisiúntachtaí éagsúla acu. Irish Journal of Sociology, 32(4). DOI: 10.1177/07916035241259228.
Watson, I.; Posocco, L. (Accepted and Forthcoming. DOI included) Flexible Nationalisms: Applying Anthony D. Smith’s Theory to the Irish Case. Nationalities Papers. Doi: 10.1017/nps.2024.103.
Posocco, L.; Watson, I. (Accepted and Forthcoming. DOI included) Holocaust Representations in German Museums and Information Centers: The Perpetrator-Centric Narrative. The Journal of Holocaust Research. DOI: 10.1080/25785648.2024.2437871
Angeletti, V.; Posocco, L.; Gottardi, P. (2024) Visible and Invisible: Tokening the Memory of the Holocaust in Fascist Concentration Camps. Italian Studies. DOI: 10.1080/00751634.2024.2403312
Posocco, L.; Angeletti, V.; Meghnagi, M. (2024) Nationalism, Italy and the Exhibition of the Holocaust: Findings of a Study on the Recently built Museums of Campagna and San Donato. Eastern European Holocaust Studies (De Grutyer), 1-41. DOI: 10.1515/eehs-2023-0028
Meghnagi, M.; Posocco, L.; Angeletti, V. (2024) Contested memories in the border town of Trieste: A comparative analysis of the Risiera di San Sabba and The Foiba di Basovizza. Eastern European Holocaust Studies (De Grutyer), 1-30. DOI: 10.1515/eehs-2023-0029
Angeletti, V.; Posocco, L.; Meghnagi, M. (2024) Fossil Memory: Unaltered Narratives of Resistance and Deportation in the Oldest Italian Holocaust and Resistance Museums. Eastern European Holocaust Studies (De Grutyer), 1-27. DOI: 10.1515/eehs-2023-0025
Conversi, D.; Hassan, C.; Posocco, L. (2023) From climate change denial to war- mongering nationalism. International Journal of Political Ecology, 31. DOI 10.7402/CDS.31.01
Posocco, L. and McNeill, John R. (2023) Climate Change: Comparing “Green” and “Polluting” Nation-States. Frontiers in Sociology, 1-12. DOI: 10.3389/fsoc.2023.1133333
Watson I. & Posocco, L. (2023) Minority Language Public Sphere: The Irish Language in the Media and Beyond. Society. 60: 922–934.
Posocco, L. and Watson, I. (2023) Re-imagining the nation-state: An impetus from the Pandemic. Frontiers in Sociology. DOI: 10.3389/fsoc.2023.1086569
Hassan, C. G.; Posocco, L. (2023) Promoting Muslim Nationalism in Turkish Museums: A study of visitors’ responses to the Panorama Museum 1453. Trauma and Memory. Vol. 1, N. 2., pp. 55-71. DOI: 10.12869/TM2023-2-03
Posocco, L.; Conversi, D.; Watson, I. (2023) Beyond the frontiers of political science: is good governance possible in cataclysmic times? (Introductory article to the Special Issue: Beyond the frontiers of political science: is good governance possible in cataclysmic times?). Frontiers in Political Science, 1-5. DOI: 10.3389/fpos.2023.1282165
Posocco, L., & Watson, I. (2022). Nationalism and environmentalism: The case of Vauban. Nations and Nationalism, 1–19.
Posocco, L. and Watson, I. (2022) Speaking Irish and belonging among Irish-speakers of diverse ethnicity and nationality in Ireland: A pilot study. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. DOI/MS ID: 10.1080/01434632.2022.2060990 / 214448329.
Posocco, L. and Watson, I. (2022) Reflexive Green Nationalism (RGN): A sociological antidote to the climate crisis? Frontiers in Sociology, 1-19 DOI: 10.3389/fsoc.2022.1021641
Conversi, D.; Posocco, L. (2022) ‘Which nationalism for the Anthropocene? A comparative study of “exemplary Green” Nation-States.’ Frontiers in Political Science. Doi: 10.3389/fpos.2022.857597.
Posocco L. (2020) ‘The politics of nationalism in recently built Turkish museums: the case of the Kabatepe Simulation Centre and Museum.’ International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society. 33(1) 67-87. DOI: 10.1007/s10767-018-9309-7
Posocco L. (2019) ‘Nationalism, Politics, and Museums in Turkey under the Justice and Development Party (AKP): The Case of the Panorama Museum 1453.’ Contemporary Southeastern Studies, 5(1), 35-55. DOI: 10.25364/02.5:2018.1.4
Posocco L. (2018) ‘Museum Politics in Turkey Under the Islamic Justice and Development Party (AKP): the Case of the Istanbul Museum of the History of Science and Technology in Islam.’ International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society. 32, Pp. 83-103. DOI: 10.1007/s10767-018- 9283-0
Book Reviews
Posocco L. (2020) Review of Sinisa Malesevic, Grounded Nationalisms: A Sociological Analysis. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 2019. In Il Giornale di Storia. grounded- nationalisms-sociological-analysis-cambridge-cambridge-university-press-2019
Posocco L. (2019) Review of Gilles Dorronsoro and Olivier Grojean (eds.), Identity, Conflict and Politics in Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. London: Hurst & Copany, 2018. 282 pp. £65 (hbk). In Nations and Nationalism. DOI: 10.1111/nana.12510
Posocco L. (2019) Review of Ceren Şengül, Customized Forms of Kurdishness in Turkey: State Rhetoric, Locality, and Language Use. London: Lexington Books, 2018. 136 pp. £54.95 (hbk). In Nations and Nationalism, Volume 25, Issue 4, Page 1439-1441, October 2019.
Other publications
Posocco L. (2016) Un crescendo di violenza in Turchia: riflessioni dopo l’attentato del 19 Marzo 2016 ad Istanbul. Eurasia, Giornale di Geopolitica, 23 marzo 2016
Posocco L. (2013) Turchia, il Gezi Park di Istanbul è soltanto un pretesto. Limes - Giornale di Geo-Politica, 3 giugno 2013: pretesto/47683
Posocco L. (2012) I bambini della vecchia Istanbul. Limes – Giornale di Geo-Politica, 29 settembre 2012: istanbul/38496